I had been preparing for GMAT for a while, I started my gmat preparation in May and I am generally very weak in aptitude that is why I couldn’t break into the IT industry and still stuck in call centers even with an engineering degree. So I tried to break the jinx with motivating myself to go for it with all guns blazing. So I quit my job and started preparing for the GMAT I got the OG, Kaplan and Princeton books and even joined a tutoring course. After a period of 2 months I thought I was in the region of 600-650 so I gave a GMAT prep and ended up with a dismal score of 550 which came as a shock to me as I was hopeful to get a 650 as I had done the og books, Kaplan and Princeton. From this I realized that the stuff I was doing was not at all helpful the og math is a complete waste of time with only some superior questions in it but you need to build up the basics so you need to start from scratch my friends. The second thing was RC; I just can’t make out reasoning comprehension passages if they use high end languages. It’s a mental gap which comes in and I can’t draw a picture in my mind. I was good at CR and ok ok at SC. The tutoring course was of little help because all they used to do was give me an exercise from Kaplan and hope I get it all right. Kaplan’s tests are the toughest tests for beginners and I would say to skip them completely as they are of no use.
The next thing I did was postpone my GMAT for one and a half months hoping I would reach 650 by then. So I made up my mind and used to go the library and study from 11-5 for the GMAT and usually chill at home. I re did the OG and Kaplan books and started joining GMAT forums like gmatclub.com and pagalguy.com. Forums are the best place to find help and make a study plan. So after 1 month of dedicated study I took GMAT prep 2 and got a 580. I was heartbroken and realized that my dreams of getting are over, my friend with me who had given the test after two months of study got a 710 Q51 V34.This lead to frustrations which no one can imagine as you tend to give up and become a negative person with suicidal tendencies of course you wish the other person was dead instead of you..ha ha…that was dark ..Was it not…screw you guys….:-D.So I borrowed from books from my friends who had joined other institute for gmat and started doing their math books. A big mistake was I was just focusing on 700 level questions which made me give up my enthusiasm. I tried doing 1000 rc and was usually pretty good at it scoring at in the 70% range .So I decided to give my gmat Prep again and got a 610 a little disappointed as I was hoping for a 640 .This was wrong on my part as quite a few questions were similar and that is why I scored 48 on math but still I was weak in RC , I just can’t get a mental picture of what the author is trying to convey. I guess all that years of goofing around paid off…:-D.
So again I postponed my exam for a month hoping for a 650 and started working on redoing the og , kaplan and princeton books. I am telling you I can tell you the answers without even looking at them in OG I studied the OG so many times and started doing the tough 700 level question somehow and tried to remember how I did them. 10 days before the exam I retook the gmat prep 2 and got a 590 I skipped the RC questions cause I thought I was good at it as I was doing well in 1000 RC’s. I was confident enough to score a 650 now so I in the end days I just redid the OG and learnt the idioms and redid the sentence correction exercise’s.
So on the 30 of September I was all ready to give my GMAT .I prepared myself for it and learnt all the idioms. So there I was all ready and on the go for the GMAT. Arrived at the centre did the formalities and then started off with the awa’s .The argument was weird, I wrote shit, the essay was ok I guess. Then stated off with math’s till the 7th question I was doing well after that came the downfall, all questions I was getting were trick questions which you have to able to make out and it took me a lot of time to understand the concept before I could break the solution and I dread DS and I got a hell lot of ds which I couldn’t make out. I got so frustrated I started skipping long questions because I was short on time. I somehow managed to finish the math exam guessing on my ds and moving up on the last 7 questions. The math part was tough compared to the GMAT prep as it took me longer because the questions were a level tougher than the prep. Not giving up hope I moved onto the English section and thinking of getting a 38-40 excited me so I washed my face and got onto the verbal section. I was doing well until the 11th questions where I got a tough rc , I just couldn’t make out the meaning after reading it twice and focusing on every detail. The tough part was all the questions were inferences which were to be drawn out and I am bad at that so I think I screwed up my 2nd passage and went on to the sentence corrections one’s .I think the sc were a little tough but they were ok the main problem came when I came to the third RC I just couldn’t make it out, I tried it twice but no hope so I tried my best thinking that it will be alright. After that I knew I was short on time so I started hurrying up and the fourth rc was very simple as I knew I fucked up in making consecutive mistakes but tried my best till the end of the last question. I thought of cancelling the score but people with 450’s don’t cancel the score so I thought I will around 550 so I clicked on report my scores.
The result was a huge disappointment I got a 520 .Even the questions I guessed I think were wrong and there was no luck for me on that wretched day. Trying to focus on my humongous failure gave a feeling of quitting the GMAT and never applying for any university. This silly little boy couldn’t bear it any more, the thought of going back to call centers seem likes the best option as this silly little boy is not a scholar but an artiste. I tried to hide my face, but even the GMAT administrator noticed and he said
that’s impossible,felt like kicking him in the nose but all I could do was smile and left the test centre with a devastated look of a person discovering he has lost his future battle. I am hoping to join a IT course or a call centre and hope to give the gmat again as my parents are still postivo that their silly little son will do well…………Well I hope so………