Why you’re better than me and you thought you’re life sucked
1. You Have a job cause I can’t seem to get one
2. You have a social life cause I am too shy to converse with the opposite sex
3. You have a bank account and actually have money in it
5. You aren’t living at your parents house cause it’s comfortable
6. You go out on holidays to a actual place
7. You don’t have falling hair with a receding hairline
8. You don’t spend hours on the computer killing time
9. You don’t watch all the movies
10. You don’t ignore your friends and relatives
11. You can study for an hour and remember it
12. Other people think you’re good at computers but you know shit about the programming stuff
13. Cause you can decide whether it’s better for you to pursue a master’s degree or just do a course and try to find a job
14. The high point of your weekend is the burger you had
15. Your parents think you’re not depressed
16. You are not an alcoholic
17. You’re not too thin
18. You don’t have a popped knee, weak neck and back
19. You don’t have hypertension
20. You don’t have big ears
21. You don’t lie to your friends
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