One of my best friends got married last week and everyone seemed so happy at the wonderful celebration, even though the groom had a fit with all the stuff he had to do. Marriage is a social, religious, spiritual, or legal union of individuals, well if you’re from my part of the world you’ll realize that marriage is just a stamp of authority for the girl and boy to live together. Well I reached on time on the day for the song and dance evening , where people from the groom and the bride were introduced, followed by a competition between the girl and boy friend’s which luckily we won because some of the questions were rigged. As for me and my friends who are of the alcoholic nature we found our ways to intoxicate ourselves till the wee hours of the night in a true Brahmin wedding, believe me marriage seem a lot like “made In heaven “ when you’re drunk. Somehow something happens at weddings to older women, they tend to get each bachelor guy fixed up as if he was the next in line , even though I thought my friend was a little young to get married. Even writing a thank you note seems odd since you're bullshitting all your way through but what the hell tit for tat.
The next day the groom had to wake up early for it was a morning wedding, the usual hula-hoot, people perform their ceremonies , congratulate and then speed off to eat .My friend’s wedding was at a prestigious location in a major city , even a famous actor dropped in for a quick snap. Then in the evening was the reception which was kind of the same only the attire of the bride and groom had changed, making me wonder how much budget a wedding costs and how cheap would be my wedding and if it would be? Then the next day it was a private reception for people at a five star hotel , same thing but with alcohol , and by the end of it all the groom and bride were so tired that all they wanted to do was take a week long vacation.

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