Well it had been long time since i had taken a flight.So somebody woke me up and my parents geared up my suitcase and i was off. After being dropped off the airport i went in to check in worried if i had extra luggage that i would have to pay for. So after standing in the line for ten minutes i showed the attendant my confirmed ticket print out. Then weighed in my luggage at 19.9 kg , well good going for me i thought. Then it started happening , first the attendant asked how i payed for the ticket, so i said "credit card" , and do you have the credit card you made the payment from , so i went on that my friend made the payment , so i had to pay in cash for my expensive trip on the other counter which was half a mile outside and to top that they sent a guy from the cash counter to verify if the payment was to be made. Then after hurrying to the check in counter after making the payment i got into the line realizing there were just 20 minutes to the flight. the attendant then replied " i am sorry , it seems we have lost your pnr number " well then she called on her supervisor , calling on her for help. Well somehow i did manage to get my boarding pass and i was off ,to the security check and then on the bus and then on the flight. Well i was quite happy i made it, and as the attendant told me i acquired my window seat, when a guy came up to me saying it was his seat, a little shocked i went to confirm on the print and so it was i had the next seat. Well got a little happy seeing the bubbly flight attendants happily greeting every dazed passenger as if we've been forced out of bed on purpose. Then we were off,a american accent welcoming us on board, somehow american seem to make you a lot safer on the flight, as if the american knew how to drive the plane even if a bird hit the engine. So drank a glass of water and tried to fit in my adjustable chair but when my right eye started blinking as if the wide 360 degree had been decreased to 270 from the right, but it went back to normal in a minute. Looked in front realizing a bald man was sitting right in front on my seat with a black mole on his right part of his skull, making me realize the horror's of my future, thanks to my receding hairline.So the plane took off , making me realize how superman would feel against the g force and the awesomeness of sheer power. so the plane began to climb , and i turned to see the sight outside , nothing but skyscrapers looking like small architectural models , when i realized the person at the window seat chanting a prayer , now that made me a little nervous, when suddenly a lady got up and tried to reach for the loo when a air hostess stopped her right opposite to my seat giving her the instruction to vomit in the plastic bag, oh lord not here.
Through that period i realized how cheap airlines had gotten not even providing passengers with lime water or refreshments for ear balance. So trying to concentrate on games on my cell phone rather than the irritating flight, made me realize a small developing headache reaching a migrane point, so i had a 20 buck juice i tried my best to sleep in a comfortable position when the small kid behind me started crying and pulling the top of my seat , so the parents finally intervened and i had my share of peace.The landing was smooth and i got off thanking the air hostesses as if i had a nice flight.Then got to the baggage collection, when i received a phone call from my sister enquiring about the flight, i told her it was ok but my luggage is still to come and most of the people have got it. Well she said it always seems to everyone that their luggage comes last , so pretending she was right stood there for 15 minutes realizing there was only one cardboard box left when an american came running to collect that too. Well now i was angry and went to enquire about my luggage to find out the specific airline didn't have a counter in that airport , so called up my sister and told her to inform the airline and read out the boarding pass number to her realizing that i was a mr venugopalan on the tag behind and my luggage had went to jammu. So i informed the authority there, and filled up the form , reassuring me that my luggage will be dropped at my home.well lucky for i had all the time in the world otherwise a scheduled person would have chewed their ass off. So the next time you see a person angry, frustrated seeming like a terrorist , think again cause he/she might have went through the ordeal of a "wonderful" airline experience

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