" oh god he's bald " said one of girls standing close to the bald person standing in front of me , making me realize the horrors of my future and how cruel people can be. Yes it is said you get the genes of your mother passed for your hair , but i would be happy if it would be from my dad's side , cause he still has some left on the top.i read this article once in reader's digest that it is best to let go and face the reality instead of hopping on measures such as transplant , rogain , ...to make your hair come back. I always thought that with the evolution in science there would come a age where a pill or injection would fix the hair pattern in a month, but i have still got my fingers crossed ,so excuses to skip the barber would not seem irrational.
My parents have always had a fit of hairstyle i kept cause it was usually middle parting with long hair, yes i have had my share of embarrassments , but i would give anything from being bald.The hair follicles falling each time i stroke my hair makes me put even more oil and shampoo on my hair just to keep them intact, i don't use gel cause it has it's side effects, but henna seems to be winner of the lot , applying it seems a pain, but the results are worth , it makes your hair feel more strong as if the scalp was bind together not to let go. I usually cut the extra long hair that keep cropping up from unknown places but each time i visit the barber he seems to notice that i cut it myself, so i have to come up with excuses that i was living in a hostel with no barber. Till then my friends , i will keep long hair till i get fed up or i go bald , but i would prefer a clean shaven scalp than some hair covering it , maybe i look cool bald like bruce willis or maybe not.... time will only tell

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